artist  statements






I work mainly with ink and walnut-stain, so close are these media to the natural world from which they are derived.

I explore all the possibilities they offer : the contrast between matt and gloss, the way they catch the light, their transparency, anything which evokes the visual effects encountered in nature.

How to capture my emotional response to trees, plants, light dancing through branches, or reflections on water without being a simple copyist of landscape, a mere transmitter of impressions !

I navigate this fine line between the real and the unreal, the visible and the invisible.

I like observers to be a little destabilised by my work, the eye having to interpret rather than just see, or simply having to give up and take its pick of whatever pleases it.

This is what has always motivated me to find unusual formats, creations inside and outside a framework.





The Murmur of the Wind

The series « The Murmur of the Wind » is an invitation to a poetic walk in the forests of the Landes region and their surroundings, our senses awakened by the wind-swept treetops sighing overhead, shedding on us the gift of their delicate perfume.

I find inspiration in Chinese painting and ink drawings from the tenth to the fifteenth century. My aim is to arouse sensations.

The photographs in this series are the result of a work of alchemy. Traditional black-and-white prints are modified by manipulating the photographic emulsion, softened by chemical reactions. I may blow on them, or use a pin or a brush, or a swirl of water... the final effect is achieved experimentally. Sometimes a coppery tone appears, sometimes an iridescent effect. Each print is unique.

« The Murmur of the Wind » invites the observer to pause and step into a new world.





My creations tell the stories of « garden landscapes », using hieratic forms and their massive outlines, and elements of armour.

Each is a narrative journey recounting love of mixity and improbable associations, or the search for harmony. Each opens up possibilities to explore and perfect.

I love above all :

- playing with depth, light and shade.

- confronting opposites : rounded forms with airy flourishes, a discarded object picked up by chance with a precious crystal bead, velvet with untreated natural fiber textile, matt with gloss.

- offering the eye a thousand interpretations, an endless search which gives pleasure and arouses curiosity.

It takes time to create and bring a garden to maturity, and it takes the infinite patience of a gardener to tattoo the minutely small...






I can't live with the idea of Art for Art's sake. Art is not its own justification. It is simply the hand, without the ink. Art is justified by life. It is a witness, not an alibi for the power of thought.


For me the body is the locus of all our life-experiences. In my work I like to imagine it, draw it, paint it. It's a sort of permanent introspection, whether I reach out for a cultural memory, visualising its infinite variations in the history of painting or sculpture, or whether I reach into myself to talk about the journey of my own life.


Sand, wood, paper, the immaterial nature of video are all media whose particularities bring me nearer every time to different rhythms, movements and textures.








Cellular composition is at the heart of my ceramic creations. Inspired by living organisms composed of divided cells, each unique but co-existing in a symbiotic relationship, I recreate an infinitely small world : imaginary concretions seen close up, sometimes even as seen through a microscope, fragmented in the manner of fractals.

Earth and fire are my means of expression, evoking and prolonging my emotions. In creating around an empty space I aim to suggest life and its movement by imagining an organic world, part vegetation, part mineral, part coral, part floral...variations all paying tribute to Life.

 These unique pieces in porcelain or stoneware clays are hand-modelled using the pinch-pot method, then fired at 1300° or even higher in an « Anagama » wood-fired direct-flame kiln for at least fifty hours. During this time the pieces gradually accumulate a deposit of molten ash, thus acquiring spontaneously an ash glaze.             




Chahab was born in 1951 in Teheran . He left his native land at the age of 22, taking with him all the mysteries of a thousand-year civilisation. His desire for knowledge and for fresh encounters led him to study in different cities-- Nice, Marseille, Aix. His work has the colour and savour of a traveller's tale.

He has lived and worked in the Pyrenees since 1998, renovating a former mill , the Minoterie de Nay, to create an Arts Centre there.

Ever-curious, he has mastered a range of artistic techniques, with the objective of inventing new pathways between them. The desire to pursue an artistic project and the endless surprises of creative work are at the heart of Chahab's approach to the visual arts.

His personal development lies at the intersection of painting, sculpture and a range of printing and reproduction techniques. Brought together with discernment and imagination these elements have gradually come to define his creative achievement.                           




Textile Writings

Marjeane lives in the hills to the north of the Béarn, in the Pyrénéés-Atlantiques department.

She is an activist for a poetics of thread.
She weaves and binds threads into jungle-vine lianas. She draws with them outlines and shapes in pictorial space. She plunges into the language of colour, heads off into the wide-open spaces of whites, flirts with the irascible incandescence of reds, so powerful when they side with pinks, travels far in deep blues with no thought of return.

She explores the territories of the sensory world, which we all share and which are the basis of our humanity : from the familiar to the unknown, from the joyful to the unquiet, from the openly declared to the unsaid. This exploration requires the close study of form. She is not looking for formal beauty, but the thread pathways she draws between the lianas and weaving constitute a single domain, in which the twisted lianas deride any idea of delicacy and take off in a wild race, running through the veins of the work in gestation, ready to hatch or explode, waiting for the intense moment when new life awakens.





Steeped in the tradition of landscape painting and its modern heritage, my work is a slow elaborate process, in which I start with sober compositions and patiently add thin coatings of transparent glaze.

The echoes of my mood at different times of the day are perceptible in these atmospheric layerings, each modulated by effects of transparency.


At the heart of these serene horizons, an invitation to reverie and reminiscence, there always lies light.








Interior Landscapes

The same gestures again and again : collect wood, draw water, dig earth, grind stone, burn bark, leave ornamental marks and symbols on places which will survive long after us, bend double, keep walking... Always the same since the beginning. Paint bark with stone, stone with wood...And there it is, colour is always revealed, plant and mineral hues mixed together.

The earth under my feet, stone, a little ash, water, some bark and some walnuts... These paintings were born here, in the natural crucible where my steps take me, breathing in the simple life of ancient peoples, those who walked these wild paths and knew the caves painted long ago. Always the same gestures, the same colours.

Born of my interior world, the paintings are made of stone and ink, bark and water ; vegetable and mineral together breaking down the barriers between domains and worlds. Today they are maps telling the story of a fragile world, in grave danger, which we can still save if we open our eyes and look.

Follow me if you will on this simple path, to share with me a moment of wonder.



 Sophie BLANC



The fragile and the invisible


The works of Sophie Blanc immerse us in the atmosphere of a meadow in June, where one lies down to observe the blades of grass in the breeze.

Sensitive to nature, she picks plants, memories and light in a single movement.

On the dried plants, she applies gold leaf and pigments to reveal their beauty.

Her seed pod thus becomes a tribute to nature and our intimate relationship with it.


The fragile and the invisible take on a sacred dimension, and it is this awareness of peril and transience that gives her works their power and nobility.


Sophie Blanc invites us to a contemplation that is both simple and profound, between naivete and maturity, full of poetry and delicacy.




Hélène Lacquement seeks to highlight that which is often the most innocuous and overlooked in nature, far removed from majestic beasts. Experimentation is at the heart of her approach, which often incorporates recycled paper.

With precise gestures, cut, inked or mounted, combined with mixed techniques, the paper takes on volume and becomes the cuticle of an insect, or mycelium or elytron.

According to Anne Devailly*, blurring the lines between art and nature, the artist's work “resonates with current concerns about the future of the planet”.

Based in Perpignan, the artist regularly exhibits in the Occitanie region, and in other countries such as Germany in 2024, at the International Paper Triennial ‘Global paper 6’.

A member of the Contemporary Artists Collective in Perpignan, Agit’hé, she is also developing artistic mediation projects in the region for all kinds of audiences.


* Les 30 artistes 2022, Artistes d'Occitanie, 2022




A student of Luc Peltriaux at the Toulouse Academy of Drawing from 2001 to 2005, Nicolas also obtained a Master's degree in Fine Arts from the Mirail University in 2007.

Nicolas is a skilled outdoor painter, working in small formats to produce ‘pochades’ or outdoor sketches. He describes his painting as naturalist.

Before being a painter, Nicolas was a collector, and he collects his ‘pochades’, sketches. He likes to create series. In this series, Nicolas likes to process his subjects several times, which allows him to digress, to leave the figurative behind and propose something more abstract, more expressionist, more personal, more profound and free.

His outdoor sketches will then serve as the basis for painting larger formats (either outside or in the studio), always with the aim of creating series.

Nicolas has chosen to exhibit a selection of works produced between 2018 and 2025. The two main subjects addressed by the artist during this period being trees and landscapes.

Caroline SECQ



At the end of a journey

 “No, I don't see in Caroline Secq's work a message denouncing ocean pollution, neither do I see ‘Salvage Art’ or a type of ‘Outsider Art’.

I see only a magnificent and very personal work of composition, intelligent, playful and sensitive, full of inventiveness and the pleasure of putting things together, entirely dedicated to the sublimation of material of great sensual richness, certainly changed fantastically by years of maceration at the mercy of the ocean currents, but which must be taken for its immediate plastic qualities, for its intrinsic beauty and not for all its past adventures.

The story lived by the objects she assembles is taken over by her, and it is in their reunion at the end of a long journey with another story, that Caroline Secq's creation is strong, distanced and unique.”                                             

Pierre Souchaud





Nature fascinates me. It moves me with its complexity and perfection. Imposing itself discreetly, it constantly proves its intelligence.

Between randomness and absolute coherence.

For me, there is nothing more to add, everything has been said, whilst at the same time, I have a desire to contribute, to get closer and to pay homage to it.

The work of engraving seems ideal for this. It combines precision and technique with the random and the unknown. It requires a succession of meticulous processes, each of which holds an infinite number of possibilities.

And the work, born of itself, is the result of these processes.

During my walks, I nose around, picking up old sheets of metal, rusty and eaten away by time. On them, one can read a subtle dialogue between the object created by man and nature reclaiming its rights.

Flattened, smoothed with a disc grinder and sanded, these metal sheets serve as a support for my engravings. I then try to ‘sneak in’ my drawing to propose a new dialogue, a new story.



Poetic writings of glass and paper

At her studio, Lô creates a singular work, an alchemy, where writing, ink and transparency interact.

Lô lives at Rivel, in the Kercorb region, in the Pyrenean foothills. She walks footpaths, attentive to the voice of the earth… Back in the studio, as poet and glass-artist, she combines words and matter, transparency is her medium. She embodies in luminous layers the successive moults which disrupt landscapes and men, epidermis and the earth’s crust, imprints and inflorescences drawn into rifts of light.

By mixing the art of fire and ink on paper, she unveils a translucent geology, where plant imprints, graphite tenderness, grains of lava and greyness are superimposed.

Her works reflect a writing of fusion, a mixture between poetry and matter.

 Bernard BOUYÉ




Thalassa border


An irresistible desire for captured subject matter to make the digital more carnal.

Photography is at its core and the decompartmentalising of borrowed effects.


My taste for material and nature allowed me to test a number of environments… and gave birth to this series, consisting of recomposed seascapes.


The horizons are not linear, the materials reinforce my vision of the world.


From the edges of the beach, the sea invites contemplation, the coastline, this limit where the land stops and moves towards another place, deep and mysterious, a perpetual movement that replenishes the spirit and the body and invites poetry.


On the seashore, one is alone, all and everything at the same time.

Marianne BOUVET



Juniperus Thurifera

My work comes from the light of the Mediterranean, like Provence, where I come from originally, full of contrasts and intense colours.

For 5 years I have been exploring the same subject, inspired by the exceptional Thurifera Junipers found in the Hautes-Alpes.

This series presents two aspects that complement and respond to each other : on the one hand, landscapes in acrylic paint, often in large format to help us blend into the scenery. On the other hand, drawings and engravings, with a reduced palette, to explore the realms of sensitivity to which the trees connect us.

My work is intended to pay tribute to the vital energy of these extraordinary trees, to express the graphic power of their exceptional trunks, and the pleasure taken in tracing their sinuous lines.

Ultimately, in the words of Philippe Descola, I think my work relates to “making invisible things visible”.


Patrick SANT



Creating and water

Patrick Sant is passionate about metal and the many ways in which it can be transformed.

An enthusiast of recycling, he collects rusted pieces of metal in order to give them a second life.

The series which he presents here, is a world of assemblages, where shapes intertwine to give birth to the expression of his imagination.

The pieces are assembled, and then some are painted using mixed techniques, while others are left in their original state. There is no welding and no chemical products are used.

The material, nature and the artist become one, at the heart of each creation.


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Galerie d'Art Actuel                                       En mai, juin, septembre, octobre :

6 rue de la Barbacane                                   de 10h à 13h et de 15h à 18h

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tél. +33(0)5 63 32 25 59                               de 10h à 13h et de 15h à 19h 



Art Points de Vue

Association loi 1901

5 rue de la Mairie - 82110 LAUZERTE